April 10, 2013 Executive Meeting Minutes

Inwood Forest Community Improvement Association

Board of Directors Meeting

White Oak Conference Center

April 10, 2013 Meeting


Board Members Present:    

First Vice President Hugo Du Bois

Secretary Sharon DeRousse

Treasurer Jane Martin

Director Marida Curry


Board Members Absent:

President Julie Grothues

Second Vice President Tom Haynes

Director Dennie Hodge


Executive Session


The executive session began at 7:42 pm.


Deed Restrictions


Martin indicated that she had not had a chance to do all the deed restrictions, but did recommend that certified letters be sent to 74XX Tall Pines for debris on the side of the house and 60XX Black Maple for an inoperative vehicle in the driveway.




The Board discussed accounts pending legal action. There were ten accounts to be sent certified collection letters.


59XX Bent Bough


Fence is over setback line and did not have prior ACC approval. The board discussed the issue and were in agreement that they did not want to ask the property owner to move the fence.


55XX Arncliffe


The ACC for new home construction is under the required square footage for the community. So far, complete plans have not been submitted. The Board has tabled this for further review.


56XX Cone Crest


A structure is being built in the backyard. No ACC form was submitted. No building permit was issued by the City of Houston.



The Board discussed pool badges. Martin suggested allowing two weekends to register/ pickup pool badges and suggested increasing the price per badge to $2, since the cost of the badges is not being covered with the $1 charge. She also suggested that people who do not register/pick up their badges on one of the 2 weekends specified would be charged $5 per badge.





With no further business to come before the Board in Executive Session, the meeting was formally adjourned to General Session at 7:55 pm.