August 11, 2004 Board of Directors Meeting

Board Members Present:
President Charles Crain
First Vice President Vernon Hassell
Second Vice President Mel Weiser
Secretary Clark Blanco
Treasurer Julie Grothues
Board Members Absent:
Director Steve Brickhouse
Director Louise Gonzales
Residents that signed in:
Ed Abrahams
Judy Blanco
Vicki Garcia
Jochen Hillje
Kathy Saccone
Thiry Weiser
Gregory Williams
Kary Williams
Clymer Wright
Genesis Representatives:
Shara Parson

Meeting Called to Order
Meeting was called to order by President Charles Crain at 7:06PM on August 11, 2004. Clymer Wright was designated as parliamentarian.
The agenda was adopted as presented.
No objection.

Homeowner Concerns
A resident on Darkwood expressed her concerns regarding security.
Another resident on Darkwood expressed her concerns regarding three HCFCD lots on Darkwood that are still without curbs and sidewalks. Harris County has assured Grothues that the curbs and sidewalks will be completed by the end of August.
Another resident expressed his concerns regarding a refrigerator on the front porch of a house on Victory. He would appreciate the Board seeing to it that the deed restrictions are enforced.
A resident on Long Creek asked if the deed restrictions could be amended. Director Crain stated it is not an easy task but it can be done and the Board is currently entertaining the idea of amending them.

Approval of Minutes
Correction to the June 9th minutes. The date on the minutes for the June 9th Board meeting should be changed from June 10 to June 9. No objection.

As part of reading the minutes motion was made by Secretary Blanco that the Board take up the payment of Ms. Parson’s expenses for taking notes at the meeting.
Motion to amend was made by Director Blanco to set the fee at $50.
Motion to amend No objection.
Amended Motion: The Board take up the payment of Ms. Parson’s expense fee of $50 for taking notes at the meeting.
Hassell, Weiser, Blanco and Grothues voted Yes.
Motion carried.

Motion was made by Director Hassell to include how the directors vote on motions in the minutes.
Motion to amend was made by Director Blanco to include resolutions.
Hassell, Weiser, Blanco and Grothues voted Yes.
Motion to amend carried.
Edited Motion: To include how the directors vote on motions and resolutions in the minutes.
Hassell, Weiser, Blanco and Grothues voted Yes.
Motion carried.

Motion was made by Director Blanco to include the voting record from Ms. Parson’s notes from the July 14, 2004 meeting.
Hassell, Weiser, Blanco and Grothues voted Yes.
Motion carried.

Director Blanco would like to give the resident in the 5600 block of Long Creek an opportunity to review the comments written about him in the July meeting minutes and would like to email any corrections to the Board.

The minutes were approved with the addition of the voting record.
No objection.

Financial Reports
Treasurer Grothues presented the financial reports. Collection letters were sent out in June. 35 homeowners paid between June 29 and July 27 bringing in about $6,700. As of July 31 Accounts Receivable totals $32,000 compared to $29,000 this time last year. Approximately 80% of the homeowners have paid their assessments. Grothues prepared an income statement as of July 31, 2004 that shows the conversion from accrual basis to cash basis. Attachment IFCIA Income Statement As of July 31, 2004.
Director Blanco motioned to accept the financial report as presented.
Blanco, Hassell, Weiser and Grothues voted Yes.
Motion carried.

Management Reports
A. Properties and Facilities Committee Report
Mel Weiser presented this committee’s report. Ten community service workers helped set up, clean up and direct traffic for National Night Out. Many compliments were received about the pool and park. The pool remained opened for those who wished to swim.
This report was accepted as presented. No objection. Attachment A1.
B. Recreation Committee Report
Charles Crain presented this committee’s report. Crain will remain as Board liaison, but he would like to find a replacement to run this committee’s business. Complimentary pool passes will be in the August newsletter.
This report was accepted as presented. No objection. Attachment B1.

C. Deed Restrictions Committee Report
Vernon Hassell presented this committee’s report. Letters will be sent to residents with travel trailers in their driveway, giving them two weeks to move the trailer or meet with the Board to explain why they need additional time. If the travel trailer is parked on the street HPD will be notified.
The committee defines TRUCK as any vehicle with dual wheels on the rear, a vehicle with box sides, a vehicle with a commercial box bed, or any van or pickup with a business name on the back or sides. SUV’s with truck license plates will not be written up as trucks.
The committee is preparing letters to hang on mailboxes. The following items will be written up: (1) Grass over 9 inches tall or runners over the curb/sidewalk more than 6 inches long; (2) Any vehicle not parked on paving; (3) Any boat parked outside of the garage; (4) Any trailer parked outside of the garage.
Grothues asked who is currently on the Deed Restriction Committee and whether additional members are needed. Current committee members are Mel Weiser, Clark Blanco, Kathy Saccone and Richard Salinas. Grothues offered to help with deed restrictions.
Committee member Kathy Saccone asked for a list of the committee members in writing.
This report was accepted as presented. No objection. Attachment C1.

D. Flood Committee Report
Charles Crain presented this committee’s report. The Vogel Creek project has been delayed because of property acquisition problems and relocation of a pipeline.
This report was accepted as presented. No objection. Attachment D1.

E. Security Committee Report
Clark Blanco did not present a committee’s report. The crime statistics will be provided for the August newsletter. Crain requested information on how the total Off-duty HPD patrol hours are set each month. Blanco promised a written explanation to him.

F. Financial Management Committee Report
Julie Grothues presented this committee’s report. 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2003 Form 990’s were mailed to the IRS on July 26, 2004. 2002 Form 990-T was also mailed to the IRS on July 26, 2004, requesting a refund of $331. Copies of the returns were sent to Will DeVane at Genesis and Barry Wuntch. A copy of Grothues’ 2003 tax workpapers was also sent to Wuntch.
Wuntch expects to start the audit mid-August and estimates 3-4 weeks to complete. During the tax return preparation, Grothues identified adjustments that should be made to the financial statements. These have been given to Genesis.
The report was accepted as presented. No objection. Attachment F1.

G. Communications Committee Report
Charles Crain presented this committee’s report. The July newsletter was delivered on time. The IFCIA website had about 850 visits in July. The New Resident Packets should be ready next week. The message center received 8 messages: 2 related to deed restrictions and 6 related to speeding.
Hassell’s request, an article about National Night Out will be included in the next newsletter. Charles Crain agreed.
The report was accepted as presented. No objection.

H. Legal Affairs Committee Report
Charles Crain presented this committee’s report. The committee continues to draft changes to the Bylaws and Deed Restrictions. Michelle Cutler resigned from the committee. Renee Gagneux and Alex Wathen joined the committee.
The report was accepted as presented. No objection. Attachment H1.

I. HCFCD Properties Committee Report
Julie Grothues presented this committee’s report. The remaining sidewalks and curbs on HCFCD lots should be installed by the end of August. HCFCD will not file trespassing affidavits on their lots as a whole. If a particular property has a problem, the issue of filing an affidavit will be reviewed at that time. After several unsuccessful attempts to get HCFCD to paint curb numbers on the vacant lots, Grothues hired a contractor who completed the painting on August 10.
The report was accepted as presented. No objection. Attachment I1.

J. Lawn Maintenance Committee Report
Julie Grothues submitted the Lawn Maintenance Committee Policies and Procedures.
Grothues presented this committee’s report. Ed Abrahams joined the committee. The August mowing schedule was provided. 65 survey letters were sent to residents adjacent to HCFCD lots to identify which lots have been adopted and/or are being maintained. HCFCD’s mowing contract with IGL requires the lots to be cut once a month, but is not date-specific. Grothues will work around this schedule when determining additional mowings during the month.
The report was accepted as presented. No objection. Attachments J1-J8.

Old Business
Status of audit and tax returns was discussed in the Financial Management Committee report.

New Business
A. Resolution made by Julie Grothues
08-11-04-01 Establishment of a Replacement Fund for Capital Expenditures
In order to implement Alternative 1 the Building Evaluation and Reserve Fund Study prepared as of August 30, 2001 by Criterium-Farrell Engineers for Inwood Forest, the IFCIA Board of Directors will establish a Replacement Fund of $92,000. To establish this fund:
1. An adjustment will be made to the IFCIA financial statements by August 31, 2004 that will reduce the General Fund by $92,000.
2. The $50,000 investment at AXA Advisors will be designated as “Replacement Savings.”
3. $42,000 of cash will be moved from the operating account at Sterling Bank to a money market account at either Dain Rauscher or AXA Advisors and will be designated as “Replacement Savings.”

Director Blanco motioned to separate the establishment of funds and the placement of money in the resolution.
Blanco, Hassell and Weiser, voted Yes. Grothues voted No.
Motion carried to separate the questions.
Resolution split:
08-11-04-01A Establishment of a Replacement Fund for Capital Expenditures
In order to implement Alternative 1 the Building Evaluation and Reserve Fund Study prepared as of August 30, 2001 by Criterium-Farrell Engineers for Inwood Forest, the IFCIA Board of Directors will establish a Replacement Fund of $92,000. To establish this fund:
1. An adjustment will be made to the IFCIA financial statements by August 31, 2004 that will reduce the General Fund by $92,000.
2. The $50,000 investment at AXA Advisors will be designated as “Replacement Savings.”
Grothues, Hassell, Weiser, and Blanco voted Yes.
Resolution carried.

08-11-04-01B Placement of Money for Replacement Fund
$42,000 of cash will be moved from the operating account at Sterling Bank to a money market account at either Dain Rauscher or AXA Advisors and will be designated as “Replacement Savings.”
The second half of the split resolution was lost for lack of a second.

Director Blanco motioned that $42,000 of cash be moved from the operating account at Sterling Bank to a non-restrictive account at Sterling Bank and be designated as “Replacement Savings.”
Blanco, Hassell, Weiser and Grothues voted Yes.
Motion carried.
Attachment Resolution Background Information.

B. Request submitted by Poli De Leon
Director Hassell motioned to increase the Lawn Maintenance contract with Poli De Leon to $1,800 from March 15th to September 15th and to $1,600 from September 15th to March 15th.
Hassell, Weiser, Blanco and Grothues voted Yes.
Motion carried.

C. Motion to close Dain Rauscher Account
Director Grothues made a motion to close the Dain Rauscher account with a balance of $52.30 and move the funds to the Sterling account.
Grothues, Hassell, Weiser and Blanco voted Yes.
Motion carried.

D. Motion to Restart Project to Build a Building in the Park
Director Hassell made a motion that the Board restart the project to build a building in the park and to consider further funding by having a presentation at next month’s meeting.
Hassell, Weiser, Blanco and Grothues voted Yes.
Motion carried.

1. Director Blanco announced he would not be running next year.
2. Director Blanco announced plans to amend the July resolutions at the September meeting.

Next Regular Board Meeting
The next regular IFCIA Board Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 8, 2004.

President Crain adjourned meeting at 8:58PM.