August 14, 2013 Meeting Minutes

Inwood Forest Community Improvement Association

Board of Directors Meeting

White Oak Conference Center

August 14, 2013 Meeting


Board Members Present:                                         Residents that signed in:

President Julie Grothues                                             Corey Cornett

First Vice President Hugo Du Bois                            G.W. Dicken

Second Vice President Tom Haynes                           Beth Stegle

Treasurer Jane Martin                                                           Doris M. Warncke

Secretary Sharon DeRousse                                       Elio A. Arce

Director Marida Curry                                               Loretta L. Shaw

Director Dennie Hodge

Meeting Called to Order


At 7:09 pm, President Grothues called the meeting to order. Pierce of Genesis Community Management was appointed parliamentarian and Haynes was appointed Sergeant at Arms. The agenda was adopted as the Orders of the Day, there were no objections.



Homeowners Forum


A homeowner noted an increase in the flood insurance rates again this year and asked abou the status of the flood maps for the east side of IF. Grothues noted that a request was made for a status update from the Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD.) Hodge noted that the only other way to reduce flood insurance rates at this time would be to get an elevation certificate.


A homeowner asked if homes will ever be allowed to be built on the HCFCD lots. Grothues noted that the current regulations don’t allow for building on any property that was bought using FEMA funds. She also noted, however, that when the new flood maps are eventually issued for the east side of IF, all lots on this side are supposed to come out of the flood plain. It is not known if this will have any effect on the status of those lots.


A homeowner questioned whether or not someone could come in and build a very large home on any available lots. Grothues noted that IFCIA’s deed restrictions address the minimum square footage of any houses and that building plans must be submitted to the ACC committee for approval.


A homeowner expressed concern for the security of homes on the former golf course and the current deed restrictions regarding fences. Grothues informed him that in order to change the current deed restrictions, 67% of all lots owners would need to vote in favor of any changes.


Approval of Minutes

The Board reviewed the general and executive session minutes from the July 10, 2013 monthly meeting. Hodge moved to approve the minutes, Du Bois seconded. Curry, DeRousse, Du Bois and Hodge voted in favor, Haynes and Martin abstained since they were not present at the July 10th meeting. Motion carried.


Financial Reports


Martin reported that approximately $15,000 was collected in July. She also noted that a couple of outstanding accounts receivable balances had been paid off in response to the last round of certified demand letters.



Management Reports


  1. Properties and Facilities Committee Report


Grothues reported that the pool is running okay, but there have been some issues with mustard algae.


Starting on August 19, 2013 the pool will be open for weekends only. Grothues noted that an email blast has been sent and stated that she will post a sign indicating the pool hours for the rest of the season.


  1. Deed Restrictions Committee Report


Pierce reported that there were 368 uncured violations per the August inspection and that 114 violations had been cured. He also noted that a number of the letters sent were for uncut yards, over grown weeds and bare spots in the grass.


A resident noted a large trailer on Antoine. Pierce noted that Genesis is aware of it and deed violation letters have been started.


  1. ACC Committee Report


Curry noted that one ACC request had been received today for a house on Council Grove to paint.


  1. Security Committee Report


Du Bois noted that a security system salesman had come to his door one evening and asked specific questions about his current alarm system. He noted that you should not give out any information like this to anyone going door to door. He also noted that they look for homeowners who have outdated signs in their yard or no signs at all. Du Bois suggested that homeowners go out and by their own generic security sign. DeRousse also noted that if you call your current security company andlet them know that you have an outdated sign they should send a new one free of charge.


  1. Communication Committee Report


Du Bois reported that the website was down for one day last week due to a host server problem, but has since been up and running without problems since then.



F. Resident Relations Committee Report


Martin announced that the August yard of the month on the east side is 5430 Long Creek and on the west side is 7211 Tall Pines.


Old Business

There was no old business to discuss.



New Business


  1. Deed Restriction Violations to Legal


The Board will discuss deed restriction violations recommended to go to legal in Executive Session.


  1. Collections to Legal


The Board will discuss collections recommended to go to legal in Executive Session.


  1. Reversal of Settlement Reserve – Previous Owners


Grothues noted that in 2011 the Association received a settlement payment related to the lawsuit involving the golf course proerty. The board calculated the prorated amount of the settlement distribution that was allocable to previous owners that had paid the legal fee assessments during the lawsuit, but had moved prior to the settlement distribution. A deferred liability was booked for the amount calculated to be due to previous owners.


The board decided to make refunds to those previous owners that contacted the Associaton and requested a refund on or before December 31, 2011. Approximately 10 – 12 previous homeowners made a request by December 31, 2011 and approximately $2,860 was paid out.


At December 31, 2012, the remaining balance of this deferred liability account was still on the financial statements. The balance at July 31, 2013 is $31,651. IFCIA’s auditors have recommended that the balance of the deferred liability account now be taken into income since the deadline for making a claim has passed. They also recommended that the board take a vote on this.


Martin moved to reverse the deferred liability account and take the balance into income, DeRousse seconded the motion. All board members were in favor, no one opposed or abstained. The motion was passed unanimously.



The Board moved to Executive Session at 7:47 pm.



The Board reconvened to the General Session at 8:52 pm.





Deed Restriction to Legal


The Board voted in Executive Session to send certified deed restriction letters to 19 of 20 addresses listed in Grothues’ email to the board dated August 12, 2013, with the exclusion of 74XX Antoine Dr.



Collections to Legal


The Board voted in Executive Session to send certified collections letters to the 13 accounts listed in Martin’s email to the board dated August 10, 2013.




With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was formally adjourned at 8:53 pm on a motion by Hodge seconded by Du Bois and unanimously carried.


Next Regular Board Meeting


The next Board meeting is scheduled for September 11, 2013.