February 11, 2004 Board of Directors Meeting

Board Members Present:
President Charles Crain
First Vice President Vernon Hassell
Second Vice President Mel Weiser
Secretary Clark Blanco
Treasurer Julie Grothues
Director Louise Gonzales
Director Steve Brickhouse

Board Members Absent-None

Meeting Called to Order

Meeting was called to order by President Charles Crain at 7:05PM on February 11, 2004.

Motion was made by Clark Blanco to suspend standing when recognized by the Chair. Motion was seconded by Mel Weiser. No discussion. Vote 6-Yes, 0-No.

Approval of Minutes

Minutes on the Board of Directors Meeting from January 14, 2004. Secretary Clark Blanco presented the minutes and requested 3 spelling corrections. Director Louise Gonzales’ name was added to the attending directors. With these corrections the minutes were approved as presented (excepted).

Homeowners Concerns

Kenneth “Poor Boy” Dawan – Concern that the alarm systems in the area need to be upgraded. Requested that IFCIA endorse Pro-Star Alarm Company. Brief discussion. Genesis Management explained that the Board cannot endorse companies. Endorsement was not given.

No other concerns were raised.

Financial Reports

A. Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Julie Grothues presented the Treasurer’s Report. A question arose on keeping the annual dues on the books for the HCFCD lots. It was pointed out that there is little chance that these dues will be collected from HCFCD. Genesis pointed out that there is a
chance to collect if the property sells but if the dues are “written off the books” the dues cannot be “written back on the books” if and when the lots are sold. A point of order was raised when the discussion turned to whether HCFCD could/would sell the lots. Julie requested that the dues from the HCFCD lots be identified to keep that future revenue separate from other future revenue. Genesis will check into whether there is a way to identify the delinquent dues from the HCFCD and keep them separate from the other future revenue.

B. Attorney’s Recommendations on Collections

Vernon Hassell questioned whether the collection letters need to be sent out each year or only once per lot. Genesis will check with legal about how often the letters need to be sent and report back next month.

Motion was made by Vernon Hassell to postpone acting on the letter from the Attorney until legal has responded. No objections were made

Management Reports

A. Set UpCommittees

1. Motion was made by Vernon Hassell that the proposed committees in letter dated 6 February 04 not be approved because of improper form. Clark Blanco seconded motion.

There was discussion among the Board as well as comments from the floor. The President noted that comments from the floor would be welcomed but each speaker would have a limit of 3 minutes.

Julie Grothues requested a point of information: What is improper about the proposed committees?

Parliamentarian responded that according to the Bylaws, a committee can only be formed by resolution, that a resolution had to be in writing and include the word resolved.

Call for a vote on the motion on the floor. Vote 6-Yes, 0-No

2. Motion was made by Julie Grothues for forming committees.
No second was heard.

3. Motion was made by Vernon Hassell to approve the resolution dated February 10, 2004 for the Security Committee. Clark Blanco seconded motion. See attachment.

Some discussion. Vote 4-Yes, 0-No, 2 Abstentions
Call for a vote by roll call by President Charles Crain.
Yes-Clark Blanco, Louise Gonzales, Vernon Hassell, Mel Weiser
Abstentions-Steve Brickhouse, Julie Grothues, Charles Crain

4. Motion was made by Julie Grothues to discuss committees but not form committees.
Motion was seconded by Steve Brickhouse.
Vote 6-Yes, 0-No

5. Motion was made by Clark Blanco to close the discussion.
Motion was seconded by Steve Brickhouse.
Vote 6-Yes, 0-No

6. Motion was made by Vernon Hassell that the Board appoint 3 board members to present to the Board at the next meeting, as presented tonight, a resolution to create the committees.

Motion was made by Julie Grothues to lay this motion (6.) on the table.
Motion was seconded by Steve Brickhouse.
Vote 4-Yes, 2-No

B. Proposed Resolutions – See Attachment

02-11-04-1. Be it Resolved, a Bylaws Review Committee be appointed.
Motion Steve Brickhouse, Second Julie Grothues, Vote 5-Yes, 0-No, 1 Abstention

02-11-04-2. Be it Resolved, a Deed Restriction Review Committee be appointed.
Motion Steve Brickhouse, Second Julie Grothues, Vote 6-Yes, 0-No

02-11-04-3. Be it Resolved, the Board of Directors receive training.

Resolution was amended: In order to have the members of the Board of Directors educated in the responsibilities of community government, it is Resolved that IFCIA Directors are encouraged to attend an educational program in community government by April 30, 2004. The expense is to be paid by IFCIA with pre-approval.

Motion Julie Grothues, Second Clark Blanco, Vote 4-Yes, 0-No, 2-Abstentions

02-11-04-4. Be if Resolved, an appointment of an IFCIA Parliamentarian for the year.
Resolution withdrawn.

02-11-04-5. Be it Resolved, IFCIA designate Webster’s New World Robert’s Rules of Order Simplified and Applied Second Edition be used.

Motion Clark Blanco, Second Vernon Hassell, Vote 6-Yes, 1-No

02-11-04-6. Be it Resolved, each speaker be allowed limited time per meeting.

Resolution was amended: In order to accommodate speakers from the floor and to allow adequate time for other business, be it Resolved that each speaker from the floor be allowed no more than 3 minutes per topic per meeting, and if the speaker has spoken on that topic in the previous meeting the speaker be allowed no more than 1 minute.

Motion Julie Grothues, Second Steve Brickhouse, Vote 4-Yes, 2-No

02-11-04-7. Be it Resolved, Monthly CommitteeReports be both verbal and in writing.
Motion Vernon Hassell, Second Steve Brickhouse, Vote 6-Yes, 0-No

02-11-04-8. Be it Resolved, the Secretary establish an inventory of records.
Motion Julie Grothues, Second Vernon Hassell, Vote 5-Yes, 0-No, 2-Abstentions

02-11-04-9. Be it Resolved, IFCIA committee chairperson guidelines.
Motion Steve Brickhouse, Second Julie Grothues, Vote 3-Yes, 0-No, 3-Abstentions

02-11-04-9. IFICA CHAIR PERSONS — In order to establish and clarify the governing relationship between Directors and committee chairpersons be it resolved that chairpersons are advised that all committees serve the interest of the members as determined by the Directors and that the chairpersons accept the following policies as conditions of their appointment.
a. Committee chair persons will comply with the statement of policies and procedures adopted by the Directors concerning committee to which they are designated.
b. In situations not covered by statement of policies and procedures the Chair person will actively seek the direction of the Board of Directors.
c. The chair person will remember that their actions and attitudes effect the entire community and it is not their prerogative to act as they please.
d. The chair persons are to remember that they are a representative of Inwood Forest and not make offensive remarks, enter into agreements and otherwise engage in activities that would be best decided by the Directors.

02-11-04-10. Be it Resolved, all committees will write a Statement of Polices and Procedures for that committee.
Motion Julie Grothues, Second Clark Blanco, Vote 4-Yes, 0-No, 2-Abstentions

02-11-04-10. STATEMENT OF POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR COMMITTEES – It being understood that the Directors are responsible for the actions of the committee members and as the Directors wish to govern these actions it is resolved that each committee listed below will write a statement of policies and procedures for that committees submit same to Board of Directors for review 30 days after its appointment. The Directors will modify as necessary. When approved by Board of Directors a resolution to adopt the statement of policies and procedures will be made. When adopted the policies and procedures will govern the actions of that committee.

A. Set Up Committees Taken from the Table

7. Motion was made by Julie Grothues to take motion 6. from the table. Motion 6 was changed to Resolution 2-11-04-11. Motion was seconded by Steve Brickhouse.

8. Motion was made by Clark Blanco that Michelle Cutler read the resolution 2-11-04-11 (see handwritten attachment). Motion was seconded by Steve Brickhouse. No objections were made.

The resolution was read to the Board by Michelle Cutler. See handwritten attachment and Exhibit 1.

02-11-04-11 Resolution was amended from 3 board members to 1 board member and at least 2 members of the Corporation. Note that the Security Committee had been marked out on Exhibit 1.

Motion Vernon Hassell, Second Clark Blanco, Vote 6-Yes, 0-No

C. Deed Restriction Violation Report – Steve Brickhouse

D. Courtesy Patrol Report – No report given

E. Flood Control Report – Charles Crain

F. Park Community Center – Mel Weiser

New Business

A. ACC 4215 Black Locust – Steve Brickhouse

B. ACC 7939 Green Lawn/Fence – Steve Brickhouse & Clark Blanco

C. Pool Free for Residents? Unfinished business

Special Meeting

Special Meeting was called by President Crain for Thursday, February 19, 2004 at 7:00PM at Inwood Forest Country Club and seconded by Clark Blanco, Steve Brickhouse, and Julie Grothues.

Next Regular Board Meeting

The next regular IFCIA Board Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 10, 2004.


Meeting adjourned by consensus at 9:45PM.