June 9, 2004 Board of Directors Meeting

Board Members Present:
President Charles Crain
First Vice President Vernon Hassell
Second Vice President Mel Weiser
Secretary Clark Blanco
Treasurer Julie Grothues
Director Louise Gonzales
Director Steve Brickhouse

Board Members Absent:

Residents that signed in:
Kathy Saccone

Representative of Genesis
Will DeVane

Meeting Called to Order
Meeting was called to order by President Charles Crain at 7:04 PM on June 10, 2004. Will DeVane was designated as parliamentarian.

The agenda was adopted as presented.
No objection.

Motion to suspend standing when recognized by the Chair. No objection.
Approval of Minutes

Reviewed minutes from May 12, 2004 meeting. The following corrections were approved: Steve Brickhouse resigned as both chairman and liaison of the Deed Restrictions committee; Vernon Hassell is appointed as both chairman and liaison of the Deed Restrictions committee. Minutes approved with this correction.

Homeowners Concerns
No homeowners concerns were voiced.

Financial Reports
Treasurer Julie Grothues presented the Financials Report. Financials were approved as mailed out.

Management Reports

A. Properties and Facilities Committee Report
Mel Weiser presented this committee’s report. The committee met on May 29. Splash Day was a great success. The turnout was between 40-60 residents. BBQ, hotdogs, snow cones, and cold drinks were served. The pool passed City inspection on June 8. Mel has been going door to door up and down Antoine to clean up heavy trash problems. The pool has collected $3,015 from pool memberships. This money has been turned over to the Treasurer. Attachment A1.
B. Deed Restrictions Committee Report
Vernon Hassell presented this committee’s report. This committee is still not complete. Will announce new committee member and their recommendations at next board meeting. Draft of policies and procedures submitted but expect to increase the scope of both. There are about 48 violations on the books. Most of these have been corrected.
A monthly summary was requested to provide the following: a) number of new violations, b) number of solved violations, and c) number of unsolved old violations. This summary should be included in the monthly report from Genesis.
C. Flood Committee Report
Charles Crain presented this committee’s report. Vogel Creek widening is on schedule, digging scheduled to start in July. The upstream dams have been reviewed and will not be built. Requested an upstream dam be located at Vogel and 121-04. Expect the response on the new dam location the first of next week. Attachment C1.
D. Security Committee Report
Clark Blanco presented this committee’s report. The Courtesy Patrol Report statistics were very good: only 2 thefts and 2 burglaries in the Inwood Forest subdivision. Attachment D1.
E. Communication Committee Report
Charles Crain presented this committee’s report. The newsletter was delivered on time. There are still problems with the delivery of the newsletter. Newsletters are to be placed on the front door or front gate only. They are not to be placed at any other location. The website is current with new pictures of the pool. Splash Day signs will be used again this summer. The “Trash Violation Notice” has been revised to include multi-language notice and other changes. The Resident Relation committee will be calling on this committee for help in developing new materials for the New Resident Packet. Attachment E1.
F. Resident Relations Committee Report
Louise Gonzales gave a brief verbal report. The committee submitted their Policies and Procedures. The committee created the swim passes. The swim passes will be good for one week and will be signed by Mel Weiser.
G. HCFCD Properties Committee Report
Vernon Hassell gave a brief verbal report. He met with Harris County and the following topics were discussed: the future status of HCFCD lots in Inwood Forest (IF), landscaping the widened banks of Vogel Creek, lots behind the IF Park, and the mowing of HCFCD lots. Vernon reported that HCFCD would consider turning their lots over to IF and pay IF $60 per lot per year to maintain the lots. Julie stated that this is far less than a bid IF had obtained to mow the lots.
Julie was added to the HCFCD committee. She reported that HCFCD is behind in updating the list of lots that they are responsible for mowing. Both Vernon and Julie have had some problems with getting information from HCFCD. They will work together to resolve the information problem. This committee will be meeting in the next 5 days.

H. Legal Affairs Committee Report
Charles Crain presented this committee’s report. Attachment H1.
I . Financial Management Committee Report
Julie Grothues presented this committee’s report. The committee has not met. No record has been found of Federal Taxes being file since 2000. Julie is working on the tax years 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003. Vernon informed the board that no outside audit has been completed in the last 10 years.

J. Recreation Committee Report
Charles Crain presented this committee’s report. Splash Day was a great success and will be repeated to promote other activities at the pool.
Motion was made by Charles Crain to have an information/messaging line for recreational activities. This will cost about $75/month. There is no setup fee and no long-term commitment. The number of calls are to be tabulated on a monthly basis and reported to the Board. Charles will be responsible for responding to the calls, tabulating, and reporting this and other information to the Board.
Motion carried.
Old Business
There was no old business.

New Business

A. Motion to Purchase a Coke Machine
Motion was made by Mel Weiser for the purchase of a drink vending machine to be located in the pool area. Mel is to purchase this machine at a good price in the next couple of months.
Motion carried.

B. Motion for an Outside Audit of IFCIA
Motion was made by Vernon Hassell for an outside audit to be completed this year. Julie was requested to recommend public accounting firms for Board selection. Genesis to supply names to Julie.
Motion carried.
C. Motion for Additional Late Fee Letter
Motion was made by Julie Grothues that late fee letters should be mailed out to delinquent property owners every other month beginning in June and that an additional $5 late fee be assessed with each letter.
Motion carried.
Executive Session

Next Regular Board Meeting
The next Board meeting will be scheduled July 14, 2004.
Meeting adjourned by consensus at 8:20PM.