May 12, 2004 Board of Directors Special Meeting

Board Members Present:
President Charles Crain
First Vice President Vernon Hassell
Second Vice President Mel Weiser
Secretary Clark Blanco
Treasurer Julie Grothues
Director Louise Gonzales

Board Members Absent:
Director Steve Brickhouse

Residents that signed in:
John Mundhenk
Kathy Saccone
Dave Smith
Cheryl Ward

Meeting Called to Order

Meeting was called to order by President Charles Crain at 7:04 PM on May 10, 2004. Will DeVane was designated as parliamentarian.

The agenda was adopted as presented.
No objection.

Motion to suspend standing when recognized by the Chair. No objection.

Approval of Minutes

Reviewed minutes from April 14, 2004 meeting. Minutes approved as read.
(Secretary did not make Minutes available as of 5/11/04.)

Homeowners Concerns

No homeowners concerns were voiced.

Financial Reports

Treasurer Julie Grothues presented the Financials Report. Financials were approved as mailed out.

Management Reports

A. Properties and Facilities Committee Report
Mel Weiser presented this committee’s report. The committee has met. The new lights are now on timers. The pool is clean and the new pool company is working. We are waiting for Harris County to give approval to use the lots behind the park before removing the fence. Mel requests Scott Fendrick come to the park and discuss improvements for a permanent cover. Locks were changed at the pool and park. Thanks to Jim Barber for donating the locks and keys! Attachment A1.

B. Deed Restrictions Committee Report
In Steve Brickhouse’s absence Mel Weiser gave a brief verbal report. A resident in Section 1 is constructing something in his backyard. Mel has requested additional information. No approval or permits have been issued. No letters were issued last month. The Board is waiting on policies and procedures for this committee. The committee has not met.

Charles Crain announced that Steve Brickhouse has resigned as chairman and liaison of the Deed Restrictions Committee. Charles appointed Vernon Hassell as chairman and liaison, with no objection.

C. Flood Committee Report
Charles Crain presented this committee’s report. Vogel Creek widening is on schedule. There has been another delay in the upstream dams. Charles may be calling on some Inwood Forest residents for assistance regarding these dams. Capital Improvement Projects (CIP’s) were submitted and a response is expected in the next 90 days. Attachment C1.

D. Security Committee Report
Clark Blanco presented this committee’s report. The Courtesy Patrol Report statistics were pretty good, but burglaries are on the rise. Captain Lampignano has assigned two officers to Mel for assisting with trash violations. Attachment D1.

E. Communication Committee Report
Charles Crain presented this committee’s report. The newsletter was delivered on May 8 with a multi-language notice. The website is not current but should be by May 15. Attachment E1.

F. Resident Relations Committee Report
Louise Gonzales gave a brief verbal report. The committee met. Mel Weiser requested that free swim passes be added to the New Resident Packet. Free swim passes to be created by this committee.

Motion was made by Vernon Hassell to make 50 copies of the New Resident Packet at Office Depot. Motion approved.

The Board is waiting on policies and procedures for this committee.

G. HCFCD Properties Committee Report
Vernon Hassell gave a brief verbal report. HCFCD continues to remove homes; the total is still about 85. Maps are not available yet. Scott Fendrick has gotten a copy of the plats. Policies and procedures for this committee will be submitted next month.

H. Legal Affairs Committee Report
Charles Crain presented this committee’s report. The committee obtained a copy of Copper Grove’s bylaws and deed restrictions. Attachment H1.

I . Financial Management Committee Report
Julie Grothues presented this committee’s report. Policies and procedures were submitted. The committee has not met. Contracts/invoices for all “fixed costs” are being reviewed. Julie instructed Genesis to make changes to the Financial Package to identify unpaid annual fees on HCFCD lots and HCFCD lots that will be taken by the Vogel Creek expansion. Additional financial information has been requested from Genesis for committee review. Attachments I1, I2, I3.

J. Recreation Committee Report
Charles Crain presented this committee’s report. Information will be included in the May newsletter promoting the neighborhood park and pool. The committee will announce pool and gardening activities to begin in July. Attachment J1.

Old Business

Motion made by Clark Blanco to purchase two HPD patrol radios. Motion lost.

New Business

IFCIA/IFCOP Jointly Sponsored Events

Resolution presented by Clark Blanco on behalf of Cheryl Ward:

Whereas, Article II, Section I of the Inwood Forest Community Improvement Association’s bylaws states that “The purpose for which the Corporation is formed are civic and social for the benefit and betterment of the residents and property owners of Inwood Forest:”

Whereas, Article II, Section 1f states that “The Corporation may expend the funds collected by if from assessments, maintenance charges and all monies received by the Corporation for the payment and discharge of all proper costs, expenses and obligations incurred by this Corporation in carrying out any or all of the purposes for which the Corporation is formed;”

Whereas, the Inwood Forest Citizens on Patrol (IFCOP) was granted a certificate of incorporation as a nonprofit corporation by the State of Texas on August 11, 1995;

Whereas, Inwood Forest Citizens on Patrol is an organized group of Inwood Forest residents trained by Houston Police Department to patrol our neighborhood via vehicle, bicycle and walking patrols in order to reduce neighborhood crime in Inwood Forest;

Whereas, Inwood Forest Community Improvement Association and Inwood Forest Citizens on Patrol jointly sponsor events for the benefit of the Inwood Forest residents which would included but not limited to the annual Community Awareness and Recognition Day and National Night Out:

Resolve, That the Corporation will participate in joint events with Inwood Forest Citizens on Patrol and will contribute with funding of $3,650.00 for 2004 which is to be reviewed annually for jointly sponsored events.

Resolution lost.

Resolution made by Vernon Hassell:

In response to a concern of an Inwood Forest resident, the following is submitted to the IFCIA Board:
Resolved, the actions taken in April 2001 by the IFCIA Board be affirmed and further defined to wit:

1. A Community Appreciation Day be held each year in April. This event will be sponsored by the IFCIA and hosted by the IFCIA Board. Inwood Citizens on Patrol (IFCOP) will be asked to act as the co-host.

2. A Community Night Out will be held each year in conjunction with the City of Houston’s National Night Out celebration. This event will be sponsored by the IFCIA. IFCOP will be asked to host this event and the IFCIA Board will act as co-host.

Planning and activities for these two events will be done by a committee consisting of at least 2 and not more than 7 residents of Inwood Forest. The IFCIA Resident Relations Liaison and the IFCOP Special Events Coordinator shall be members of this committee. Site and food requirements shall be provided to the IFCIA Board at least three weeks in advance of each event.

The IFCIA will provide the food and site for each of these annual events as a minimum. The expected expenses will be budgeted for in the Awards & Meeting Expenses account in the annual budget each year.

Resolution passed.

Executive Session

Next Regular Board Meeting

The next Board meeting will be scheduled June 9, 2004.


Meeting adjourned by consensus at 8:20PM