October 13, 2004 Board of Directors Meeting

Board Members Present:
President Charles Crain
First Vice President Vernon Hassell
Second Vice President Mel Weiser
Treasurer Julie Grothues
Director Louise Gonzales

Board Members Absent:
Director Steve Brickhouse
Residents that signed in:
Kathy Saccone several members were present
Genesis Representatives:
William DeVane, Association Manager
Rosie Vargas, Recording Secretary

Meeting Called to Order
President Charles Crain called meeting to order at 7:00 pm on October 13, 2004. Clymer Wright was designated as parliamentarian, Sgt. Wilson was designated as Sergeant in Arms, and Julie Grothues was designated Acting Secretary for this meeting due to Mr. Blanco’s resignation.
The agenda was adopted as presented with no objections.
Homeowners Concerns
A homeowner suggested that a third party, namely Will DeVane, run the meetings so that the voting record of every Board member, including the President, could be published. He feels that if this were to be done, homeowners could appropriately vote for Directors at Annual Meetings. Crain informed the homeowner that the Association’s bylaws require meetings to be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order (RRO), which do not allow for someone other than a member of the Board to run the meetings. Crain also reminded the homeowner that the Board passed a resolution, which required that the vote of each Board member would be recorded in the IFCIA minutes. The minutes are printed in the Newsletter and are posted on the website. Crain also noted that under RRO, the presiding officer only votes to make or break a tie.
There were no further homeowners wishing to address the Board, therefore the homeowner forum was closed.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the meeting of September 8, 2004 were reviewed. A motion was made by Charles Crain to accept the minutes as presented. There were no objections.
The minutes of the special meeting of September 22, 2004 were reviewed. A motion was made by Charles Crain to accept the minutes as presented. There were no objections.
Correction to the September 22, 2004 minutes: The minutes which were passed and approved be the Board of Directors showed the following voting record on the motion to censure Director Weiser for discourteous and disrespectful conduct to members of the assembly and members of the board at the IFCIA Sept. Meeting. The Voting was as follows:
Favor: Julie Grothues, and Louise Gonzales
Opposed: Clark Blanco, Mel Weiser and Vernon Hassell
Abstained: Steve Brickhouse
Therefore, the Motion failed and did not carry as prior minutes stated.

Independent Audit Report
Treasurer Grothues introduced Barry Wuntch, CPA, who had recently completed the independent audit of the Association’s 2003 financial records. Mr. Wuntch gave a brief presentation and indicated that he had issued an unqualified opinion. He also indicated that he would pass along some recommendations to the Board for future consideration.
First Vice President Hassell made a motion to accept the Draft Audit as presented with the amended recommendations. Motion was seconded by Second Vice President Weiser and carried unanimously.
Appointments and Election of Officer
1) Properties and Facility Committee
a. Liaison – Julie Grothues nominated, accepted unanimously.
b. Chairperson – Allen Mansfield nominated, accepted unanimously.
2) Security Committee
a. Liaison – No nominations made; tabled until a later date.
3) Board of Directors, Secretary
Louise Gonzales and Julie Grothues were nominated. A ballot vote was taken and Julie Grothues was elected Secretary.
Financial Reports
Grothues had no comments on the September financial statements. Crain asked if it were true that homeowner delinquencies totaled $79,000 in September. Grothues confirmed. She explained that a bad debt reserve of approximately $15,000 set up as of 12/31/03 and that the Board would need to address an addition to the bad debt reserve during the 2005 budgeting process. Hassell expressed concerns about writing off that large amount of money. Grothues assured Hassell that this is a reserve, not a direct write-off of any receivables.
There were no further questions or comments.
Management Reports
A. Properties and Facilities Committee Report
Grothues reported that Poli DeLeon has been hired to pick up trash from the esplanades on Victory and Antoine once a week for $80/week. This is in addition to the trash pick up he does on the days he mows the esplanades. Grothues reported that she and Allen Mansfield had met with Miller Swim Academy to go over repairs/updates needed at the pool. An estimate for that work will be available at the next meeting. A dumpster is to be delivered to the park by the end of October.
B. Deed Restrictions Committee Report
Hassell reported that a deed restriction violation letter had gone out by mistake to a homeowner. Corrective measures were taken. Kathy also made a brief presentation on deed restriction violations. She expressed a need for more volunteers to improve efforts.
C. Financial Management Committee Report
Grothues reported that per a call to the IRS, IFCIA tax returns have been accepted. No penalties have been assessed. Grothues and Will DeVane culled the documents stored at Genesis’ storage facility of unnecessary documents. IFCIA’s storage unit at Uncle Bob’s has been cleaned out and should be closed out by the end of the month.
D. Security Committee Report
Hassell gave the security report since Mr. Blanco is no longer on the board. September had been a quiet month. The committee will be supporting IFCOP’s Halloween Event. Hassell also suggested that officers contact the IFCOP base operator on duty at the start of their shift.
E. Flood Committee Report
Crain reported that the digging in Arbor Oaks is to be completed by the end of October per a meeting with the Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD). A shelf area being dug is to alleviate the water flow. The Arncliffe bridge is scheduled to be rebuilt. A homeowner wondered why the workers aren’t using more equipment to complete the work. Crain will investigate. White Oak Bayou is scheduled to be worked on after this initial project is completed.
F. Communication Committee Report
Crain reported that the September and October newsletters are to be combined and delivered to homeowners a distribution company that will charge $0.11 per piece. A motion was made and passed to authorize the expenditures. There were 938 hits on the website last month and the new message center phone is being used, however many callers do not leave call back information.
G. Resident Relations Committee Report
Gonzales reported that the new resident booklet is complete and will bring a copy to the next meeting. There was a discussion about the cost of hiring a service to translate the booklet into Spanish.
H. HCFCD Committee Report
Hassell reported that permits had not been issued for the shelving work being done in the ditch of Arbor Oaks. It is a 30-day contract, not including rain days but no completion date has been released. As previously noted, the marked trees are trees to be saved.
I. Lawn Maintenance Committee Report
Grothues reported that various properties had been force mowed in September. To date, $2,320 has been spent in lawn maintenance. There is a $3,000 cap on Lawn Maintenance Committee’s 2004 budget.
New Business
1. HCFCD Buy-out
HCFCD has offered to buy a portion of the IFCIA Park for $9,478. This land is needed to expand Vogel Creek. A handout detailing this information was distributed. There was a brief discussion re: hiring an independent appraiser. A motion was made by Hassell to accept the buyout as appraised by HCFCD. The motion was seconded by Weiser, and carried unanimously. There was a discussion about relocating the fence that runs along the creek. A motion was made by Hassell to use a portion of the $9,478 to relocate the existing Park fence. The motion was seconded with no further discussion by Gonzales and carried unanimously.
A third motion was made by Hassell to appoint Allen Mansfield to the task of obtaining bids for fence relocation/reconstruction. The motion was seconded by Weiser and was carried unanimously.
2. Status of IFCIA ATV
According to Will DeVane, the ATV was replaced and the official title and registration was received by mail recently. A homeowner present asked if the vehicle was insured. Will responded that it is currently uninsured because he and the insurance agent are searching for an underwriter who will insure the vehicle as Association property.
3. Newsletter Distribution
A motion was made to approve the expense of $140.00 per month for door-to-door distribution of the IFCIA newsletter by a professional distribution company. There were no objections and the motion carried.
4. Annual Budget
Will DeVane, Association Manager, provided a budget worksheet in order to facilitate the Board’s preparation of the 2005 Draft Budget.
5. Special Meeting Scheduling
A motion was made by Hassell to hold a special budget preparation meeting on November 17, 2004, seconded by Weiser. Grothues noted that she thought this date was too late in the month. The motion failed. Hassell and Weiser voted in favor, Grothues and Gonzales were opposed. The motion failed.
A motion was then made by Grothues to hold the budget meeting on Wednesday, November 3, 2004. The motion was seconded by Gonzales. Grothues and Gonzales voted in favor, Hassell and Weiser were opposed. Crain, voting to break a tie, voted in favor. The motion carried.
A homeowner noted that the Lawn Maintenance Committee’s (LMC) 2004 budget is capped at $3,000 and that an earlier Committee report indicated that $2,320 had been spent to date. The homeowner noted that the Committee was likely to run out of money before year-end. A motion was made by Grothues, to increase the LMC budget to $6,000 for 2004. Hassell questioned the Board’s ability to amend the resolution. Crain explained that this action was not limiting the amount, but a motion to increase the budget and, therefore, was legal. The motion was seconded by Gonzales. Grothues and Gonzales voted in favor, Hassell and Weiser were opposed. Crain, voting to break a tie, voted in favor. The motion carried.

6. Insurance for ATV
Will DeVane explained that he has been researching insurance premiums The ATV is considered personal property as well as liability property. A new carrier for this ATV is being shopped. Crain encouraged all present to recommend an insurance agent that may cover this if they knew someone.
7. Letter from Harris County Attorney
Will DeVane presented to the Board a letter recently received from the Harris County Attorney regarding the impending condemnation of a property needed to widen Vogel Creek. DeVane indicated that he thought it would be beneficial for the Board to send a representative of Genesis and Association Attorney Terry Sears to this meeting to gather information and that it may give them an opportunity to press the point that although the widening of the creek will benefit Inwood Forest, the loss of the homes that have been bought out have also adversely affected the neighborhood financially. Grothues made a motion to approve Genesis and Terry Sears to attend the first County meeting concerning the buy out to determine if IFCIA should pursue this matter. The motion was seconded by Gonzales and carried unanimously.
Next Regular Meeting
The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled for Wednesday, November 10, 2004 at 7:00 p.m.

On a motion by Gonzales, seconded by Weiser, and carried unanimously, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.