September 12, 2012 Meeting Minutes

Inwood Forest Community Improvement Association

Board of Directors Meeting

White Oak Conference Center

September 12, 2012 Meeting


Board Members Present:                                         Residents that signed in:

President Julie Grothues                                            Dennis Miller

Second Vice President Tom Haynes                           Diane Hearnsberger

Treasurer Jane Martin                                                            Margarito Gonzales

Director Marida Curry                                               Glenn Dicker

Secretary Sharon DeRousse                                       Mel Weiser

Fred Sheppard

                                                                                    Lan Vu

Board Members Absent:                                         Linda Washington

Director Don Emerson                                                Ed Abrahams

First Vice President Hugo Du Bois                            Claytie Abrahams

Meeting Called to Order


President Julie Grothues called the meeting to order at 7:06 pm.  Bryan Pierce was designated as Parliamentarian.  Jane Martin was appointed as Sergeant at Arms.  The agenda was adopted as the Orders of the Day. There were no objections.


   Homeowners Forum


A homeowner asked about new entrance signs for the community and remarked that he was pleased that the Board was once again looking into doing this. He also stated he was impressed with the one design he had seen.


Another homeowner asked about the City putting grass back in the areas that Public Works dug up in Sections 1 & 2. Grothues noted that the City will replace the grass, but they generally don’t give a schedule.


Another homeowner asked if there was a security patrol in the area. Grothues explained that the community had off duty HPD officers that patrol the area as well as IFCOP (Inwood Forest Citizens on Patrol).


Another homeowner asked about people who ride three wheelers in the streets. Grothues asked that the resident let the Board know the addresses of the drivers, if known, so the Association can send letters and contact HPD.


Another homeowner asked when the new flood maps would be issued. Grothues noted that the Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) recently moved to the next step in the map approval process.  On July 31st, FEMA issued the flood maps with the technical corrections to the TSARP maps first issued in June of 2007.  FEMA previously told HCFCD that technical corrections had to be made to the maps for White Oak Bayou for areas south of Inwood Forest before they could submit conditional letters of maps revision (CLOMR) and then letters of map revision (LOMR) for  the work done on Vogel Creek and other areas.  There is a 90 day comment period for the maps that were released on July 31st.   The city and county will then be given 6 months to pass any ordinances that may be required regarding the changes in the maps.  Once the 90 day comment period has passed, HCFCD will be able to submit the CLOMR and then LOMR for Vogel Creek to FEMA.  After the letters are approved by FEMA, the flood maps for the east side of IF will be revised.


Approval of Minutes

Martin moved to accept, as presented, the minutes from the June 13th   general meeting.  The previous vote on these minutes was a tie and the president should have voted in order to break the tie.  DeRousse seconded the motion. Martin, DeRousse & Curry voted in favor.  Haynes abstained since he was not at the June 13th meeting.  Motion carried.


Curry moved to accept, as presented, the revised July 11th general meeting minutes.  The minutes were revised to correct typographical errors.  Haynes seconded the motion.  Curry, DeRousse and Haynes voted in favor, Martin abstained since she was not at the July 11th meeting.  Motion carried.


Martin moved to accept the August 8th, 2012 general session and executive session meetings as presented.  Curry seconded the motion.  Martin & Curry voted in favor.  Haynes & DeRousse abstained since they were not present at the August 8th meeting.  Due to the tie vote, Grothues voted to break the tie.  She voted in favor of approving the minutes.  Motion carried.


    Financial Reports


Martin reported that IFCIA’s cash balance is good.  Three payment plans were paid off last month and two more plans are close to being paid off. Grothues reported that the 2011 audit draft is complete and has been emailed to the board. She asked the Board to review the audit and to get back with her with comments/questions.  The Association’s 2011 tax return has been completed and filed.

Management Reports


  1. A.    Properties and Facilities Committee Report


Grothues reported that two dead trees have been removed from a cul-de-sac island on Brushwood and one on the island on Black Jack Ct.. She also noted that the pool has been closed for the season and that the gate locks were changed after a set of keys in the lock box went missing. Grothues also said that Poli DeLeon has removed the vines on the pool fence along Victory.


B. Deed Restrictions Committee Report


Pierce reported that 375 violation letters were sent and 140 violations were cured this month.  He noted that a lot of the violations were for mowing and edging yards as well as painting.




  1. C.   ACC Committee Report


Curry reported that the committee approved 2 ACC requests 1 for a pool deck replacement and another for painting a house. Another ACC request had been presented today for review.


  1. D.   Security Committee Report


There is no report at this time


  1. E.    Communication Committee Report


There is no report at this time.


F.  Resident Relations Committee Report


The yards of the month for September were 7515 Maple Tree on the East side and 5807 Green Falls on the West side.


Old Business


                                 ACC Policies and Procedures


Grothues noted that she has not had an opportunity to prepare a draft for comments and will try again next month.


      New Business


                       Deed Restriction Violations to Legal


To first be discussed in Executive Session.




To first be discussed in Executive Session.


2011 Audit Draft


Grothues stated that the audit draft was prepared and emailed to all board members.  She asked that all members review it and get back to her with comments or questions.

  2012 Audit Engagement Letter


Grothues stated that the 2012 audit engagement letter was included with the audit draft. Martin moved to approve the 2012 audit engagement letter from Barry Wuntch, CPA for a fee of $4,300. DeRousse seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

          National Night Out


Grothues noted that NNO was coming up on Tuesday, October 2nd.  IFCOP asked if IF’s NNO could be held at the White Oak Conference Center’s parking lot.  Due to lack of lighting in the WOCC parking lot and the fact that table and chairs need to be rented and temporarily stored, the community pool on Victory looks like the better option.


There was a discussion about the budget for NNO.  Grothues also noted that IFCOP would be contributing $300 towards the night’s events.


Curry moved to approve a budget of $2,000 for NNO with up to a 5% increase for overage.   Haynes seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.


The Board moved to Executive Session at 7:55 pm.


The Board reconvened to the General Session at 8:21 pm.


There were no homeowners present.  There were two items to be voted on.


Deed Restriction Violations to Legal


Martin moved to send certified demand letters to 12 of the 15 homeowners listed in her September 10, 2012 email to the Board for deed restriction violations, and previously discussed in executive session. DeRousse seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.


Collections to Legal


Martin moved to send certified demand letters to the 10 homeowners listed in her September 9, 2012 email to the Board for collections as previously discussed in executive session. The outstanding balances range from $1,400 to $1,468 plus 78xx Maple Tree due to the recent resolution of a legal issue.  Curry seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.




With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was formally adjourned at 8:25 pm on a motion by Martin, seconded by DeRousse and unanimously carried.


                                     Next Regular Board Meeting

The next Board meeting is scheduled for October 10, 2012.