September 11, 2013 Executive Meeting Minutes

Inwood Forest Community Improvement Association

Board of Directors Meeting

White Oak Conference Center

September 11, 2013 Meeting


Board Members Present:    

President Julie Grothues

First Vice President Hugo Du Bois

Director Marida Curry

Director Dennie Hodge


Board Members Absent:                                                                             

Second Vice President Tom Haynes

Treasurer Jane Martin



Executive Session


The executive session began at 7:52 pm.


Meeting Requested by Owner of 7235 Tall Pines


The Board met with the homeowners per their request. The homeowners have erected a 7 ft wood fence on the north and south side of their property. An ACC form was later submitted and denied due to the deed restrictions. The homeowners explained to the Board that they built the fence due to safety concerns their kids. It was noted that their neighbor to the south has a pool and a four foot chain link fence around their yard. The fence is not tall enough to keep their kids from going over into the neighbor’s backyard when they are in the pool.


The homeowner noted that their fence was built the fence without hesitation because of the fact that another person in their section has a six foot wooden fence around the entire property. It was noted that the fence referred to has

been there for a very long time and that when the homeowners decide to try to replace it, the Board will have to address this issue.


Grothues noted that the Section 2 deed restrictions state that no curb in excess of 18 inches in height may be placed along the rear lot line and along the rear thirty 30 feet of the side lines of the property


Grothues stated that the Board will discuss the matter further and will get back to the homeowners with the Board’s decision.


After the homeowners left, there was further discussion. Curry requested that this be discussed further when more board members were present. The Board agreed.






Deed Restriction Violations to Legal


There was a discussion of the 17 addresses Grothues emailed to the board on September 9th. Grothues recommended that these homeowners be sent certified letters for outstanding deed restriction violations.


There was a discussion regarding the addresses that had bare spots in their yards. Curry suggested that letters not be sent to these homeowners at this time due to the hot weather. Du Bois and Hodge were in agreement.


Grothues also stated a hold had to be placed on 75xx Deep Forest pending review of the timeline and statute of limitations and on 6026 Darkwood per an email the homeowner sent to Genesis today regarding work to be done on the bare spots in the grass..


Du Bois moved to approve sending certified demand letters to all addresses in Grothues’ email to the board dated September 6th, except the eight lots with bare spots in the grass, 75xx Deep Forest and 6026 Darkwood. Curry seconded the motion. Du Bois, Hodge and Curry voted in favor. The motion carried.






Du Bois moved to proceed with sending certified demand collection letters to the 10 accounts listed in Martin’s September 9th email to the Board. Curry seconded the motion. Curry, Du Bois & Hodge voted in favor. The motion carried.


55xx Arncliffe- Update


Grothues reported that the owners have submitted new plans for the house to be built on this property and that it meets all the requirements per the deed restrictions. Pictures of the plans were emailed to the board prior to the meeting. Grothues reported that no construction work has been done on this lot since the city issued a cease and desist order earlier this year. This was done because the square footage of house per the original plan did not meet the minimum square footage required per the IF deed restrictions.


Grothues noted that she has not yet seen this address on the weekly permit list the city emails.

Curry motioned to approve the new layout plans contingent upon residents obtaining the proper permit from the city. Hodge seconded the motion. Du Bois, Hodge and Curry voted in favor. The motion carried.


76xx Antoine- Update


The Board discussed the residency issues related to this home. Grothues reported that there has been correspondence with the homeowner. A letter was sent requesting that the homeowner and their legal counsel, if any, meet with IFCIA and our legal counsel to discuss this issue. HS received a response, but the homeowner did not request a time to meet.



56xx Cone Crest – Update


Grothues informed the Board that the owners have now painted the brick on both sides of the house, in addition to the front. HS has drafted a petition asking the owners to take down the shed or get approval for a new shed, get approval for materials to be used for siding on the garage and remove paint from the tree at the side of the house. It was noted that the Board will not ask them to remove paint from the brick because it could possibly damage the brick. Grothues noted that the petition HS drafted needs to be revised to delete the part about the painted brick and add that the rotted wood on a front window needs to be replaced.


80xx Green Lawn – Update


Grothues reported that the activity at this property has remained the same. Several cars in the driveway have “for sale” or “sold” written on the windows. The cars also have temporary license tags. Grothues noted that she has not seen anyone working on vehicles and that the garage is clean except for shop a vac.




Curry requested that the Association consider adding a petition committee. It would be responsible for petitioning residents by section in order to make changes to the deed restrictions. It was noted that any petitions should be brought to the Board prior to circulation. No further action was taken.




With no further business to come before the Board in Executive Session, the meeting was formally adjourned to General Session at 8:46 pm.



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